
Mediation When it comes to caring for an aging family member, it is not uncommon for disagreements to occur. This is especially true if the family member has no written plans that specify their wishes for their care, end-of-life decisions or property. Read my latest publication...

10 Tips for Avoiding Family Disputes in Estate Planning A belated Happy New Year!  I recently did a presentation on avoiding family disputes in estate planning and thought I would share an overview with some of the tips I discussed. Tip #1:  Start with the Planning Process. ...

During the last few weeks of the year I like to spend some time reflecting on the year, giving thanks for people and opportunities, and making decisions on how to best serve my clients in the coming year. You'll find my business planning checklist below. As...

So you want to start a business? In deciding to start a business, one of your first steps (other than choosing a name) should be deciding on the business structure. Options include corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, etc. Each one has different requirements and different pros...

So you want to buy a business? When you are buying an existing business, whether you are a first-time business owner or have been in business for years, it is critical that you devote the time and resources necessary to understand what you are buying, a...